Tuesday 28 February 2017

Get Away with Your Womanly Breasts through Breast Reduction Surgery

Mother Nature has bestowed ample charm, affection and beauty upon us humans. However¸ there are some conditions that make us feel embarrassing in the public domains. For example, breasts are boon for women, but they are no less than curse for men. Male breast enlargement or gynecomastia brings so much humiliation and embarrassment for men. Men with large breast shy away from doing certain things. They are so under confident that they hardly participate in the events or sports in which clothes need to be removed. This condition or situation may lead to looming threats of frustration and disappointment.

Although people are suggested to reduce male breasts through a balance diet or exercises, but only a few of them get good results. If you are the one having gynecomastia and exercises are not responding to your symptoms, your physician may suggest you male breast reduction surgery. When it comes to gynecomastia, it is nothing but the swelling of the breast tissue in men or boys, commonly caused by changes in hormone level.  Symptoms of gynecomastia include swollen breast gland tissue and breast tenderness. You are required to see your doctor when you have:

·         Swelling
·         Tenderness
·         Pain
·         Nipple discharge in one or both breasts

Commonly treatment is not required, because teenagers’ breasts go back to their normal shape, often within 2 to 3 years. During that period ibuprofen and ice packs can be used for lessen any pain. If your condition does not go away, and you no more like the shape or size of your breast reduction for men can improve. Surgery is an easy procedure in which the surgeon makes a tiny cut and removes any extra tissue. There are a number of cosmetic surgeons offering surgery for gynecomastia, the Clinical Eternity is the finest
Cosmetic Surgery Clinic in Delhi.

Wednesday 28 December 2016

Why Women Prefer Breast Enlargement ?

Women who feel self-conscious about their breasts and are not happy with the size or shape of yours,  may consider Breast Enlargement Surgery. At Reflection clinic, we have highly skilled and experienced Cosmetic Surgeons and Nurses to ensure that you’re provided with the best level of service and support throughout your journey. Breast enlargement surgery in India has a strong market commonly known as boob job.  Breast enlargement is considered for patients with all skin types and the surgery is carried out under general anaesthesia. The procedure takes at the most 1to 2 hours.
What Is The Positive Outcome Of The Procedure?
·         Increased self confidence
·         helping patient feel more feminine
·         More comfortable wearing  favorite clothes
Medical And Cosmetic Reasoning For Breast Enlargement ?
·         Females generally go for breast enlargement surgery as it changes the size and shape of the breast as per their desire.
·          Most of them go for the same procedure post pregnancy, where there is a much weight loss,  natural ageing process.  
What Are The Different Types Of Treatment Provided For Breast Enlargement ?
·         Breast enlargement  Anatomical implants
·         Breast uplift with implants
·         Change of implants
·         Inverted nipples
Advised Post Procedural Care
On leaving the hospital our surgeon will provide a full guide to help you make a full and speedy recovery. You can also call us and we will connect you to your designated doctor for post care service.
Post procedure you may be told to stay for a night or a short stay may be advised to monitor your progress. You should be able to join the work in one to two weeks depending on your occupation. You could definitely recover fully between four and six weeks after surgery. 
Know More - 

Saturday 17 December 2016

Cosmetic Surgery Procedure For Regaining Good Body Shape

Tummy Tuck Surgery In India
Eternity Clinic
Most of the women who are in their late thirties after pregnancy can have loose skin and excess of fat in the lower abdomen. This condition is generally seen after pregnancy and the females cannot get back their pre-pregnancy appearance. The males have the extra abdominal fat which is intra-abdominal and only a few candidates with excess skin can be suitable for external reduction. There are even cases where after substantial weight loss the abdominal skin may become flaccid. We provide the Best Tummy Tuck Surgery In India which will tighten the muscles that have been separated and weakened by pregnancy giving the patient a more youthful appearance, strength and confidence.

Tummy Tuck Surgery In India has helped improve the appearance of stretch marks, especially those located below the navel. Tummy tuck helps in conditions when there is excess or sagging abdominal skin, the abdomen that protrudes and is out of proportion to the rest of your body. The procedure is also helpful to remove excess fatty tissue that is concentrated in your abdomen. The procedure takes around 2 to 4 hours for the surgery and will require general anaesthesia. In most of the cases the hospital stay is 2 to 5 days depending upon the individual's response to the surgery.

Every woman has a desire to have beautiful and sumptuous breasts which dictate their attractiveness, and therefore lack of them is a hindrance her self-esteem. This fact she might not be able to share with people around. We have the Best Breast Lift Surgeons In India who offer the permanent best solution to women with underdeveloped breasts. The breast enlargement surgery cost in India is affordable and is done by the best surgeons of our clinic.

Chemical Peels treatment in Delhi is a safe method of skin rejuvenation. The skin peeling is a medical procedure, which consists of the application of certain products, after cleansing and degreasing face.

The peels can be done for skin types and concerns. The procedure takes around 20 minutes and the time interval between two peels should not be more than two to four weeks. We are renowned Chemical Peeling clinic in India providing treatment for face, neck, and back.

The procedure is useful in treating Chemical peeling like melasma ( dark circles), skin discoloration due to sun exposure (photo), pregnancy, birth control pills, drug reaction, post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation i.e. pigmentation as a result of a healing skin disease or infection.

Tuesday 27 September 2016

Healthy Naturally Dynamic And Stronger Hair

Hair transplantation is a surgical technique which moves hair follicle from a part of the body called which has maximum hairs like your hands or legs. The recipient site is generally the area which has developed male pattern baldness. This invasive procedure involves grafting of hair follicles that are genetically resistant to balding like the back of the head are transplanted to the bald scalp. The procedure may also be used to restore eyelashes, eyebrows, beard hair, chest hair, and pubic hair and even to fill in scars caused by accidents or surgery such as face-lifts and previous hair transplants.  Most of the hair transplantation differs from skin grafting and in that grafts contain almost all of the epidermis and dermis that surrounds the hair follicle and many tiny grafts which are transplanted rather than a single strip of skin. The most common procedure includes the hair harvesting procedure where the hair is removed from hair and follicles from a donar site. In this procedure the surgeon harvest the strip of the skin from the back of the scalp part which is having good quantity of hair.   It is one of the most techniques of removing hair follicles from the donar location.  We utilize a single, double or triple bladed scalpel to remove strips of hair bearing tissue from the donar tissue. The surgeon plans in each incision so that the hair follicles are removed.  Our clinic has the Best  Surgeon For Hair Transplant in India which is not only provides the best treatment but also takes the best post operative care of each patients.
Hair Transplant
Each incision is planned so that intact hair follicles are removed. The excised strip is about 1–1.5 x 15–30 cm in size. While closing the resulting wound, assistants begin to dissect individual follicular unit grafts, which are small, naturally formed groupings of hair follicles, from the strip. We work with binocular stereo microscopes and they carefully remove excess fibrous and fatty tissue while trying to avoid damage to the follicular cells that will be used for grafting. We at our clinic use the latest method of closure which is called 'Trichophytic closure' and it may result  in much finer scars at the donor area.The Best Hair Transplant in India is carried out in our clinic and we use both Follicular extraction method and strip harvesting technique as per our customers’ requirements.

Love yourself and get on with life

Today tattoo is the latest trend of fashion which every young individual loves to have in some of other part of the body. But there are many who immediately after getting tattoo on their arms, legs or neck want to get that removed because they have changed their heart of doing so and are feeling it as a burden. We provide the most advanced laser treatment available for tattoo removal and are a known brand for tattoo removal India. We offer reliable tattoo removal services which can completely help you to get rid of any unwanted marks. We specialize in removal of all sizes of tattooes.  The total treatment depends upon various factors which include location of the tattoo, depth of tattoo, color of the tattoo and even your age. We are the Best laser tattoo removal in Delhi and have been appreciated by all our clients and customer
We have found that the majority of our younger clients have not necessarily dropped out of school; instead, many were “pushed out” by the local district because of their tattoos. There are many parents who once got them tattooed and now to set up good examples for their children want to remove their tattoos with a hope of setting a good example for their children. School going children also have the same story. They cannot carry this tatto because of the stringent action of the school teacher and principle.
Abdominoplasty or tummy tuck procedure is another most commonly done procedure by both men and women. The procedure is highly beneficial for post pregnancy duration in which the patient has already added some extra weight to her tummy.  Amost80% of women adds up weight after giving birth to a baby and these operations are generally due to Caesarean procedures. The procedure starts with horizontal incisions which are placed just within or above the pubic area. Due to the length of the incision which extends outward toward the hip bones, it depends largely on the amount of skin to be removed. The more loosely the skin, the longer the incision will be.
In this procedure any excess skin from the lower abdomen is trimmed away. Skin that contains stretch marks may also be removed as well. We are one of the Best tummy tuck clinic in India and have the best rates in the market for treating tummy tuck.

The Perfect Treatment To A Drooping Breast

logoA male breast reduction is the most effective known treatment for gynecomastia, or enlarged male breasts. This cosmetic surgery procedure removes excess fat and glandular tissue to restore a flatter, firmer and more masculine contour to the chest. During the male breast reduction the enlarged male breasts is reduced in size. The procedure removes excess fat and glandular tissue to restore a flatter, firmer and more masculine contour to the chest. The major reasons for such a kind of enlargements is due to genetics, use of certain medications, or other unspecified reasons. There are some men who develop the appearance of enlarged breasts and this feature is common in about 20 % of men in India experience some degree of gynecomastia during their lifetime. Gynecomastia can present at any age, and male breast reduction can be performed safely and successfully on teenagers and adult men alike.
We have the best Male breast reduction surgery in Delhi  carried out at our center. At our clinic we have the most talented and specialized trained doctors and who can give you the best result yo ever expected.  The potential doctors can carefully find a cosmetic surgeon who can perform the procedure safely and achieve the results you desire. This disease can affect ones breast at any time. There is a probability that it can affect only one breast or both.  Because of these drooping breasts it becomes a challenging task for teens and young men as it leads to a nasty body image. Laser is used to remove unwanted tattoos on the skin and we have the best devices for Laser Tattoo Removal in DelhiMost of these lasers produce fast high-intensity pulses over the pigment of the tattoo ink. The Q-switch laser breaks up the ink and allows the body’s natural immune system to flush out the foreign ink particles.  Those who have their  first treatment, your provider will recommend how many treatments will likely be needed to achieve maximum fading of the unwanted tattoo.

Revitalizing Your Skin with Best Treatment

Scarring is the natural process of repairing an open wound, injury, surgical incision etc.Scar is never as strong as normal, uninjured skin. After 3–4 weeks of injury, the wound can easily be reopened by minimal trauma. In next 6 weeks, the scar has attained approximately 50% of its final strength and in next one year the scar gradually increases its ability to withstand injury.  Scar removal depends upon the size of the scar, skin quality of the scar and skin surrounding the scar.  In case of scar removal the main target is to replace the tissue with the same kind of tissue.   The major reasons for scar formation include elevation of the hormones which usually occurs during pregnancy puberty or menstrual cycle. Because of thyroid, bad lifestyle, obesity and stomach problem like acidity and constipation. When I say bad lifestyle it actually means lack of exercise, reduction in water intake and increase in junk food intake. We at clinic eternity help you treat your acne so that you can face the world with improved confidence. We use the most innovative techniques to improve the appearance of acne scars. Most of the time it is it's possible to get rid of acne scars altogether, and sometimes they are simply lessened with treatments. We can design a skin care improvement program for you depending upon the scar type condition and its severity. We have the best scar laser treatment in Delhi.
Acne scars is a kind of scar which may erupt after a particular stage of acne. Such a skin condition generally occurs due to hormonal changes. The inflammation is generally seen in adolescence, but acne can occur later in life.  Most of the acne is triggered by clogged pores that may cause bacteria to multiply. If proper care is not taken the ultimate result is scarring. It includes pit-like pockmarks. he surgical procedure for scars is also called as scar revision and the procedure modifies the scar's appearance.wed are the best chemical peels clinic in Delhi and for any such scarring you can consult our team of doctors.